The Cup of Sugar

A Rosary Meditation: The Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation.

“And she cried out, ‘Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!’ ” Luke 1:42.

Elizabeth sees Mary coming up the walk, runs out to greet her, and bubbles over joyfully with the above statement. Inspired by the Holy Spirit of course.

I remember being told about a monk, a Benedictine, and this is a factual story, who had been given the task of offering hospitality to any guests that might arrive at the monastery. But he had other things to do as well. As he was knee deep in alligators given all these other duties he wasn’t all that geared up for guests. Of course someone showed up. He heard the door and knew he had to stop what he was doing and go take care of this person. In exasperation he said: “!#@%! Now I’ve got to go do hospitality!” 🙂 Monks are human too.

With hospitality, Elizabeth’s greeting of Mary, and being human in mind …

Have you ever seen someone, maybe a next door neighbor, walking towards your door and muttered, “Oh great. What do they want now?” Hey, you’re knee deep in alligators and don’t have the time, or inclination, to dole out a cup of sugar. You’ve got enough to do all ready and now you have to stop and take care of someones needs. Just peachy, ain’t it?

When Elizabeth saw Mary coming down the path she had no way of knowing Mary was there to help her in her time of need. It could’ve been a logical assumption on Elizabeth’s part that Mary was there because she needed something from Elizabeth. But rather than say something like “Ratz! Now what?” Elizabeth went to meet Mary and was, lets just say, hospitable.

OK, whats the difference between Elizabeth and our monk? (We’ll leave ourselves alone and out of this for now. If we see ourselves in one example or the other, well, it’ll be food for thought on the individual level.) And the answer is really simple. When Elizabeth spoke she did so under the influence of the Holy Spirit. God had control because Elizabeth faithfully gave herself over to God. Now when the monk spoke what influence was he under?

Back to that neighbor walking up our walk. We see them and have an immediate reaction within ourselves. And …

“And hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels.” Hebrews 13:2, Douay-Rheims.

Just a thought … Abraham saw three strangers coming towards his tent and ran out to implore them to eat and rest at his camp. When the meal was ready he even served them himself. The above verse references his actions. You know, honestly, I’ve never seen anybody walk by my place and gone running up to them saying, “Here, let me give you a cup of sugar!” But, metaphorically speaking, that’s just what Elizabet did, isn’t it? Most of us can probably identify, if we’re honest about it, with the monk. The question is now: “What need’s to change so that I give hospitality to neighbors and strangers alike? What cuts me off from that right attitude?” Because whatever gets in our way in serving others also gets in the way of our relationship with God.


A Mother’s Touch

A Rosary Meditation: The Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation.

“When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary … ” Luke 1:41a.

Mary going to Elizabeth, knowing she needs help during and after her pregnancy. Elizabeth, probably having seen Mary coming down the path, goes out to meet her. Its a very touching scene. Two mothers, both in need. Elizabeth in need of help because of her advanced age and the bearing of her first born. Mary in need of acceptance and understanding, of faith and trust, because she’ll soon be showing and everyone will know she’s pregnant during her engagement and prior to her marriage.

Both of these women were putting someone else first. At first glance you might think that Mary was putting Elizabeth first, helping her when she herself was going to need so much help. And that Elizabeth, having been enlightened by the Holy Spirit as to Mary’s position as mother of the Messiah, was putting Mary first because of Mary’s importance. And I think that all of this is true to an extent. Of course there’s a lot more to it all but these things are a part of the whole. But when it comes to putting someone else first there was much more to it.

They were putting one another first but more importantly they were both putting God first. And not just in certain areas of their lives, holding back others. There were no “compartments” in their living. No “This parts mine and this parts God’s”. They each gave God their all, which is one of the reasons they were both given such important positions. The mother of the forerunner of the Messiah and the mother of Messiah. I can’t think of two more important women in the history of the world. And they both put themselves after God and after others. Humility, service, love, self-sacrificing living. All for God.

These two righteous mothers set us a joyous example. Its touching. And it should be. It should be touching our hearts, yours and mine, that these two women, arguably the two most important women of all time, put God first, others (us) second, and themselves third. A mother’s touch can be a marvelous thing.

4 Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely, is not puffed up, 5 Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil: 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth: 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Douay-Rheims. 

Just a thought … The above scripture passage sounds like a good description of Mary and Elizabeth, doesn’t it? It reminds me of them. How much does it remind me of me, or you of you?

The Divine Etiquette

A Rosary Meditation: The Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation. “Now Mary went into the hill country. And she entered the house of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth.” Luke 1:39-40. We’re all familiar with the above scene, familiar with what went before and what comes after. The words pour out for us the emotions involved, they come from the hearts present, even little John’s, and they help us to understand, to know, and to feel this visit while in some small way taking part. But for just a few minutes lets do something different. Lets not look at the scene so much, or even hear the words for a moment. Lets dwell instead on the sequence of events given the roles of Mary and Elizabeth. Set everything else aside for now. Mary salutes Elizabeth. I suppose that a more modern way of expressing this would be to say Mary greeted Elizabeth. According to the above segment of scripture that’s our sequence of events. Mary comes to Elizabeth and greets her. It seems simple. But this is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of God the Christ. In human royal circles we would have a different sequence. Can you imagine the Queen of England curtseying to the Duchess of York? That’s not how it works is it? That wouldn’t be the appropriate thing to do, it wouldn’t be acceptable, bluntly it would never happen. It would be the other way ’round in human circles. So what are we seeing here, with Mary and Elizabeth, really? Whatever human etiquette holds forth as correct the Divine Etiquette demonstrated here shows us something different. Who came to be a servant and not to be served? Who came to be baptized by John when John knew it should be the other way around? Who washed the feet of the apostles, even those of a traitor? Who died for the sins of others when there was no sin in him? And who, as his mother, set an example for him while raising him? The Queen of England is served by others. The Queen of Heaven and Earth makes a special trip just to hand to Dominic a string of beads. A great angel travels from Heaven to earth in order to administer communion to three simple shepherd children. And the Creator of everything that has ever been, is now, or ever will be carries his own cross. The one that rightly belonged to you and me. The Divine Etiquette teaches us a standard of living, a way of interacting with others regardless their supposed rank in human society, that makes us different. Or at least it should make us different. What do you think would happen if a patron in a restaurant seated the waitress and poured her coffee?

“And hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels. ” Hebrews 13:2, Douay-Rheims.

Just a thought … Abraham, a man destined to be the father of many nations, went running out of his tent to greet and serve three strangers. He didn’t know who they were and didn’t ask. It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter where they had come from or where they were going. He entertained angels without knowing it. Certain things ought not matter to us either. Its not about who a person is, their rank in society, whether they’ve just come from Mass or jail, whether they’re going to meet the Pope or headed for a crack house. Its about who we serve. Its about that real and lasting etiquette, a Divine Etiquette. Its about Who we serve by serving others. Any others.

Knock, knock. “Who’s there?” … Thursday, September 5

Christ Knocking

Christ Knocking. Do unexpected guests need to be inconvenient, or do blessings and needs, ours and theirs, need careful, prayerful, evaluation?

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. Have you ever heard an unexpected knock at the door? It can be inconvenient, can’t it? Just when you’re ready to take a nap or get in the tub or start lunch or take the dog out because it REALLY needs to go out NOW, and you hear the knock. Maybe its the neighbor who’s always borrowing tools and never bringing them back, or its your aunt who never shuts up or its some couple trying to give you a pamphlet about the end of the world and being ready. Meanwhile the dog went, just not “out”, the phone starts ringing, and lunch is boiling over on the stove. Unexpected guests. But every once in a while you get lucky. The toilet is stopped up and you can’t unplug it. And just as you realize, “Oh, yea, this is how Rover felt,” the knock on the door is Bob from work who knows more about plumbing than most plumbers. Or you’re cooking lunch while trying to keep the squirrels out of the backyard bird feeder and Frances, who has a way with animals and just happens to be a really great cook, knocks because she’s worried about you. She lives three doors down and heard someone screaming something about birdseed and death. Sounded like it was coming from your backyard. Unexpected visitors. Like Elizabeth had when Mary knocked. What sort of day do you think Elizabeth was having when Mary showed up? Remember, she was well on in age and pregnant with her first child. She was in charge of a household and that didn’t end when her pregnancy started. Was lunch boiling over on the stove? Maybe. Remember the neighbor who borrows tools and forgets to bring them back? You know, the one in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. But he doesn’t talk about it because he doesn’t want to burden others. Or Aunt Sally, remember her? Her husband died 16 years ago and all her children have jobs out of the country and live overseas now. She talks a lot, but she never mentions  they never call or write. Your uninvited guests, the ones that are seeming nuisances and the ones who get there just in the nick of time, could very well be there, regardless how it may look, for the same reason Mary knocked on Elizabeth’s door.

Today … St. Bertin was born about the beginning of the 7th century near Constance, France, and received his religious formation at the abbey of Luxeuil, at that time, the model abbey for the rather strict Rule of St. Columban. About 639, together with two other monks, he joined St. Omer, Bishop of Therouanne, who had for two years been evangelizing the pagan Morini in the low-lying marshy country of the Pas-de-Calais. I wonder how “convenient” it was, preaching in marshland territory? In this almost totally idolatrous region, these holy missionary monks founded a monastery which came to be called St. Mommolin after its first Abbot. After eight arduous years of preaching the Faith for Christ, they founded a second monastery at Sithiu, dedicated to St. Peter. St. Bertin ruled it for nearly sixty years and made it famous; accordingly, after his death it was called St. Bertin and gave birth to the town of St. Omer. St. Bertin practiced the greatest austerities and was in constant communion with God. He also traveled much and trained disciples who went forth to preach the Faith to others. No doubt turning up at doors unexpectedly. Among others, he selected St. Winnoc to found a monastery at Wormhoudt, near Dunkirk, and this saint figures in many medieval calendars. At an advanced age (past 100), this zealous preacher of Christ died, surrounded by his sorrowing monks.

Remember … “And hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels.” Hebrews 13:2.

The best reasons to help … Monday, August 19

English: Engraved print of 19th cent. with the...

The coat of arms of the Order of the Visitation, founded in 1610 by St. Francis of Sales and St. Joan of Chantal.

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. “It is to those who have the most need of us that we ought to show our love more especially. ~ St. Francis de Sales.

Mary goes to visit Elizabeth, who is older and pregnant and no doubt in need of assistance, with no thought for herself but with a real desire to be of service. She could have gone to anyone, to some one who’s needs were less demanding, or to no one at all for that matter. Mary could’ve remained at home fretting over her own problems. She was, after all, engaged and pregnant, which made her, according to the law of Moses, a prime candidate for stoning. But she did not engage in fear or self-pity, and she didn’t take on an easy task or go an easy route. She put self aside and went where the need was greatest. I’ve said before, and I believe it, that you can tell where someones heart is by the way they explain their desire to help. Some say, “I want to help.” That sounds good and they no doubt mean well. But there is a world of difference between the mindset that goes with the statement, “I want to help”, and the one that goes with, “They need help.” One shows a self-centeredness, the other shows an other-centeredness. I may be wrong, but I’ve seen to many people go “helping” after having said the first and then I’ve seen the results. The helping normally lasts only as long as the one being helped goes along with the helpers game plan, regardless of the true need. Mary didn’t go with this mindset. It wasn’t about self or control or manipulation, it was about another’s honest need. These are the ones, the people we can visit because they have a real need and need help, that have the most need of us. These are the ones we should visit even when its hard, like it was hard for Mary traveling through the hill country on dusty paths with all of her own issues traveling with her, and to show our love to most especially. Real help is about the one in need, and never about the one helping.

Today …

St. Andrew the Tribune



St. Andrew the Tribune

St. Andrew the Tribune. Called the “Great Martyr,” he was the leader of a group of converts in the Roman army. While serving as a tribune in the army of General Galerius, Andrew and his men faced a battle with a Persian host. Calling upon Christ for aid, the Romans were victorious. Andrew and some of his troops became Christians as a result and were discharged from military service. Baptized by Bishop Peter of Caesarea, they were arrested by the military governor and executed in the Taurus Mountains of Cilicia. Now, does it sound like our saint was self-serving or serving of others? And in serving others he served, ultimately, the One Who was of service to us all, with no thought for Self, on Calvary, and on the Altar today the world over. St. Andrew the Tribune sets a good example because he followed One.

Think about it … It’s wonderful to want to help others. It’s even better when, in helping others, we leave self behind.

Expecting company? We should be … Thursday, August 1

Philippe de Champaigne, La Visitation. Museo d...

Expecting company? We should be.

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. “When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary … ” Luke 1:39a. What would you do if you heard a knock at the door and when you answered it you found Mary there? Knowing her as the Mother of Christ your Lord and as Queen of Heaven and Earth what would you do? Would you let her in? Would you be embarrassed for her to see that “Murray” was playing on your TV? Would the magazines on the coffee table need to be shuffled away out of sight? Would there be a Rosary anywhere evident? If she asked to look at your Bible for a moment would you know where it was? Would she see a crucifix on any of the walls, or would there be any holy water? Would you be comfortable with her being there? Hopefully these questions bring forth all the right answers. Because if they don’t, and if we aren’t OK with Mary being with us, how are we going to feel with Jesus knocking when He gets back?

Today … St. Hope. According to an Eastern allegory explaining the cult of Divine Wisdom, Faith, Hope, and Charity were the daughters of Wisdom, a widow in Rome. The daughters suffered martyrdom during Hadrian‘s persecution of Christians: Faith, twelve, was scourged and went unharmed when boiling pitch was poured on her, but was then beheaded; Hope, ten, and Charity, nine, were also beheaded after emerging unscathed from a furnace; and Wisdom died three days later while praying at their graves. When Jesus returns we can have hope if we exercise wisdom now in having faith and practicing charity. Doing these things we’ll be ready for anybody who might show up.

Think … Its to late to clean house when company arrives.

The “I want to be like Jesus” Rosary


Every Christian wants to be like Jesus. He is our Goal. To be like Him, to be with Him. Sometimes we look at ourselves and see how far away we are from our Goal. Sometimes it helps to remember the things we have in common with Jesus, even if they’re just little things. Knowing we have things in common with Him may not make us any more like Him but it does help make Him seem not so far away. He doesn’t want to be far away. He came here, lived with us, walked with us, ate with us, to be close to us. And we can be as close to Him now as our hearts will let us.

I want to be like Jesus …

1st Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation. When it was known that I was on my way into the world there was an announcement too. I am like Jesus.

2nd Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. My mother went visiting, sharing me with others before I was ever born. I am like Jesus.

3rd Joyful Mystery, the Nativity. When I was born folks came to see me, and they were glad to see me. I am like Jesus.

4th Joyful Mystery, the Presentation. After I was born my parents were thankful to God for me. I am like Jesus.

5th Joyful Mystery, the Finding in the Temple. When I was little I’d hide away and no one would know where I was. I am like Jesus.

1st Sorrowful Mystery, the Agony in the Garden. I’ve prayed when my heart was heavy and felt like it was about to break. I am like Jesus.

2nd Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging. I’ve been hurt by people. I am like Jesus.

3rd Sorrowful Mystery, the Crowning with Thorns. People have made fun of me and misused me. I am like Jesus.

4th Sorrowful Mystery, Carrying the Cross. I’ve fallen more than once under a burden to heavy for me to bear alone and God has sent me help. I am like Jesus.

5th Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion. I’ll die someday and I’ve had my heart-broken. I am like Jesus.

1st. Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection. When the priest baptized me I was born new in Jesus, raised up from the death of my sin, my own resurrection. I am like Jesus.

2nd Glorious Mystery, the Ascension. I am with Jesus in His Heart right now, there where He is, so in a way He has already taken me to Heaven. I am like Jesus.

3rd Glorious Mystery, the Decent of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit descended on Jesus, on His Church, and on me too when I was confirmed. I am like Jesus.

4th Glorious Mystery, the Assumption. Jesus’ Mother is in Heaven and she is my Mother so my Mother is in Heaven too. I am like Jesus.

5th Glorious Mystery, the Coronation. Jesus made our Mother Queen and that means she is His Queen and my Queen, she is our Queen. I am like Jesus.

I am human, God is my Father, Mary is my Mother, the Saints (living and dead) are my family, Christ’s Church is His Body and I am a part of all this. I want to be like Jesus. And in being like Jesus I need to remember those things we already have in common and prayerfully work on the rest.

Who do we remind people of? … Monday, July 15

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. “A life not lived for others is not a life.” Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa made a good commentary, a fine description, of Mary’s life didn’t she? Mary serving Elizabeth, serving others. Its how we serve Christ now. Mary, when she visited Elizabeth, was serving Jesus by taking Him to others, by sharing Him. Jesus isn’t here but others are. Well, He IS here, but you know, I hope, what I mean. We can’t, for example, literally wash His feet but we can wash each others. We can serve Him by serving others. What better way to serve others than by sharing the love of Christ, and Christ Himself? By seeing Jesus in others we let others see Jesus in us. The best way to serve Jesus, the best way to serve others, is to be Jesus. For some we will be the only Jesus they ever see, the only Jesus they may ever experience.

Mother Teresa altar

Mother Teresa altar.

It’s important for us to make the most of the opportunity. We can do this by being the best Jesus we can be. Mary shared Jesus with Elizabeth, but it wasn’t Jesus that Elizabeth saw. It was Mary. The world around us, our family, friends, and neighbors see us. That’s why we need to reflect Him. We reflect Him by being the best US we can be. By being all that God intends for us to be we become more and more like Him in our own way. And the folks around us see more of Him in us when this happens. God doesn’t want you to be another Mother Teresa. He already has one of those. He doesn’t want you to be another John Paul II or Saint Benedict either. He wants you to be a Christlike you. Others will see and experience the real and true Jesus when we grow in this way, when we grow in Him. And just as Mary visited Elizabeth and took Jesus to her, just so we will deliver Jesus to those around us, we’ll visit them with Him, serve God in the process, and be the saints He wants US to be, the saint He wants YOU to be.

Today …

St. Swithun

Swithun, also spelled Swithin, was born in Wessex, England and was educated at the old monastery, Winchester, where he was ordained. He became chaplain to King Egbert of the West Saxons, who appointed him tutor of his son, Ethelwulf, and was one of the King’s counselors. Swithun was named bishop of Winchester in 852 when Ethelwulf succeeded his father as king. Swithun built several churches and was known for his humility and his aid to the poor and needy. He died on July 2. And we would never have heard of him if it wasn’t for the fact that he reflected Christ. He was Jesus to those around him. This is what sainthood is all about. This is what we need to be all about.

Remember … Just in case all of this sounds way to hard: “God doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try.” Mother Teresa.

Guests: Receiving and/or Being One … Monday, June10

The Painting of Divine Mercy by Adolf Hyla. Th...

The Painting of Divine Mercy by Adolf Hyla. The phrase at the bottom is Polish for “Jesus I trust in you.” Do we trust Him enough to accept guests? Do we trust Him enough to be a guest?

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. “He has shown might with His arm, He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.” Luke 1:51. The story goes that St. Faustina answered a knock at the convent door to find a cold, dirty, hungry young man. She brought him in and while he warmed himself she prepared a meal. After he had eaten he got up to leave and as he left, smiling in thanks, he changed. The poor, ragged beggar was no longer there. It was Jesus Who stood before her. When I was sixteen I had major surgery. I would’ve been dead by the age of twenty-one or so without it. (I’ve come to the conclusion that near death experiences are the norm for me.) I left the hospital and was placed on a bus, homeward bound. I didn’t have much at the time other than the middle portion of a miss-spent youth. I was on whatever sort of drugs they had me on with a new wound that began in the middle of my chest and went all the way around to the middle of my back. Laying back in the seat I fell asleep. I woke up with my head back, mouth open, and eyes that went wide. I was looking up at a nun. This has been a while back when everybody still wore habits and her’s had the head-gear that looked like wings. It scared me at first because I thought I’d died. But, realizing that I was still on the bus and it was heading down the road and not in the clouds headed up,  or worse plowing itself through dirt headed in the other direction, I calmed and said, “Sister, pray for me.” She smiled, probably relieved that I wasn’t dead because I probably looked that bad, nodded and went towards the back to take a seat. Everybody gets all sorts of visits. Elizabeth was visited by Mary, St. Faustina was visited by Jesus, and either I was visited by a caring nun or she was visited by a sick youth in need, I’m not sure which. Look at the ending of the above verse. “He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.” What would Elizabeth’s story be like if she had been too proud to receive her poor cousin? Would St. Faustina be SAINT Faustina if she had been to conceited to let a dirty beggar into such a fine convent? Would I be here, writing this, if the nun had walked by, looking the other way instead of stopping for a moment because she was obviously concerned? I’ve wondered at times if my conversion to Catholicism later might not have been, at least in part if not wholly, the result of her prayer. These thoughts should be more than enough to give us prayerful pause when tempted by pride or conceit. Or when visited.

Today … The world is filled, on this very day, with potential saints. It’s good to read about all the others, think about their lives and the examples they set. This is a helpful spiritual exercise. But back to the potential saints. Do you realize that at one point Elizabeth and Sister Faustina were both potential saints and not full-fledged? They were then right where we are now. So for a potential saint, and you’re one, what is it that makes the difference? What transforms the mediocre into the outstanding? That’s a saintly meditation concerning saints for today.

Hint … A: Go visit somebody. B: Accept a visit from somebody.

“His mercy is from generation to generation” … Thursday, May 23

English: Visitation, from Altarpiece of the Vi...

Mary and Elizabeth sharing God, one with the other.

A Rosary Meditation … The Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation. “And holy is His name; and His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.” Luke 1:49-50. Here we find Mary and Elizabeth sharing the Glory of God, one with the other. The truths here in this verse are simple yet profound. Holy is HIS Name. We can appreciate others, give them their due, but we must remember that any goodness in ourselves or others originates with Him and is a result of His holiness and His mercy towards us. And that mercy? It lasts. “From generation to generation on those who fear Him.” Just as there are different ways of expressing love there are different types of fear and ways of expressing them. There is the fear of punishment, which is not a bad fear unless it results in something like scrupulosity. And there is the fear of offending another, not because we dread punishment, but because we love the other person and honestly don’t want to give offense for reason of that love. This sort of fear is basically profound respect. By the way, this is also a good way to look at, to understand, imperfect and perfect contrition. Imperfect contrition, when it is honest contrition, results from fear of punishment. It has its place and its usefulness. Its good. But perfect contrition, based on love, is better. Fearing God can be any number of things. Fear of a Father who punishes justly and for good reason. Fear of offending a Father that we love. Can you ever remember a time when the Blessed Virgin “quaked in her boots”? No. She is, remember, our human example in this life. Mary had what sort of fear of God? Not the dreadful fear of punishment, but the respectful “fear” given out of love to a loving Father. And again, we should copy who?

Today …

St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk

St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk
St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk was a princess and foundress, the daughter of Prince Svyatoslav. At the age of twelve she became a nun and then a recluse. Gifted, she copied manuscripts to raise money for the poor. Euphrosyne also founded a convent at Settse. She went to the Holy Land and died in Jerusalem, Israel. Now who does she remind you of? Maybe she’d make a good prayer partner in your own journey towards perfection. 

In searching for perfection remember … “Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” – William Shakespeare

Published in: on May 23, 2013 at 3:17 am  Comments Off on “His mercy is from generation to generation” … Thursday, May 23  
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