Something to sing about … Wednesday, July 24

Queenship of Mary - Tapestry

Queenship of Mary.

A Rosary Meditation … The Fourth Glorious Mystery, the Assumption. “Sing to the Lord a  new song, for He has done wondrous deeds.” Psalm 97:1. Taking a creature and making that creature, that created being, Queen of all creation is a wondrous deed to sing about, isn’t it?

The Saints on Mary’s Queenship:

“No one has access to the Almighty as His mother has; none has merit such as hers. Her Son will deny her nothing that she asks; and herein lies her power. While she defends the Church, neither height nor depth, neither men nor evil spirits, neither great monarchs, nor craft of man, nor popular violence, can avail to harm us; for human life is short, but Mary reigns above, a Queen forever.” ~Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman.

“Just as Mary surpassed in grace all others on earth, so also in heaven is her glory unique. If eye has not seen or ear heard or the human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9), who can express what He has prepared for the woman who gave Him birth and who loved Him, as everyone knows, more than anyone else?” ~St. Bernard of Clairvaux.

“She has surpassed the riches of the virgins, the confessors, the martyrs, the apostles, the prophets, the patriarchs, and the angels, for she herself is the first-fruit of the virgins, the mirror of confessors, the rose of martyrs, the ruler of apostles, the oracle of prophets, the daughter of patriarchs, the queen of angels.” ~St. Bonaventure.

Beautiful lyrics, aren’t they?

Today …

St. Kunegunda

St. Kunegunda

St. Kunegunda (1224-1292) was the daughter of King Bela IV and niece of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. She married King Boleslaus V of Poland at sixteen. On his death in 1279 she became a Poor Clare at the Convent of Sandeck, which she had founded. She also built churches and hospitals, ransomed Christians captured by the Turks, and served the poor and ill. She is also known as St. Kinga. Each of us has our own song to sing praising God for His goodness. Saint Kunegunda sang hers, and these few lines tell us about her tune. When we sing, do we hum or do we shatter glass like a fine opera star? 😉

Sing … “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”